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We're Back to Normal

June Calendar is Live

Upcoming Events You'll Enjoy

Dear Friends:

Lately everyone has been talking about Massachusetts getting back to normal.  I think normal these days means B.C. (Before COVID) to most people.  For Yarn’s End, when we think back to normal, we are having a hard time discerning what normal is exactly.  Nothing about the past year and all the changes we made look anything like our business model as it existed B.C.  But we were in the process of making some BIG changes anyway, so COVID sure sparked our engine!  Want to know what we learned and what our back to normal looks like?  Read on:
  1. You like our studio business model that offers morning and evening classes, midday shopping, and online ordering.
  2. Customers now check hours of operation everywhere they shop, mostly because COVID got us thinking differently about when stores are open.  People know we're not a big box store so they don't expect us to be open big box hours.  Our Monday through Saturday midday store hours with one late night on Thursday still work for most people.
  3. Our online store really supports our bottomline.  It seems that when we have a slow in-store day our online store makes up for the drag.  And even older ladies who used to say they "weren’t good on the computer” are now highly skilled on getting what they need online.
  4. There are MORE people than ever who are enjoying time doing hand work.  As a result ALL our drop in classes are always full to capacity.  You've told us you're ZOOMED out and really enjoy the company of fellow crafters so we'll be adding more in person drop ins, workshops, and social knitting events.
  1. We will continue to operate our shop as a studio.  We will have drop in and specialty classes in the mornings and evenings with midday shopping hours Monday through Saturday and one late night for shopping on Thursdays.  See our shop hours for details.  
  2. We'll be adding another drop in knitting class on Friday mornings to accommodate the growing number of people requiring help with their projects.  
  3. Our online store will become more robust.  Currently you can buy yarn and classes online.  This summer we’ll be adding all our needles and accessories, most all of our consigned items from local makers, books, and certain popular patterns.  We’ll also be adding more pre-assembled kits.  Click here to visit our online store.
  4. We built an online learning center so you can buy our most popular classes online and view them over and over again.  Our first online class for sale is the Magic Loop workshop.    It’s priced right at $10; gosh a fancy coffee is just about that price and you only get to drink it once!  So, if you learn fast or take a little longer, an online class might be for you.  We are also adding Learn to Knit, Learn to Crochet and some of our other popular workshops.  Snippets of the classes will also be available FREE on our Youtube channel.  Watch for that!
  5. We’ll comply with the Massachusetts mask lifting  for all vaccinated people entering our store.  If you are not vaccinated, we kindly request you continue to wear your mask.  We’ll never ask you for your status (we feel that’s private) but please don’t be offended if we don’t know you and mask ourselves during your visit.  And by all means, if you are not comfortable without a mask in our shop, please continue to mask.  We know that many of you have health conditions that leave you compromised so please do what keeps you safe and secure.
  6. We’re going to keep washing down tables and chairs between visitors and cleaning our bathroom daily.  It’s just good hygiene.  And we do ask that if you don’t feel well or have cold or flu symptoms, please stay home. 
In the spirit of all that is back to normal, here’s what we’ll be offering on the workshop calendar this June:
Some of our most popular workshops are slated for Thursday evenings:  Finishing workshopMagic Loop, and Patterns/Yarns/Needles.  Check them out; they’re brilliantly designed for you to become a more independent knitter or crocheter.
Learn to Rug Hook and Beyond meets at a new time on Tuesday evenings from 5:30 - 7:30.  

Some of you said you wanted to learn Double Knitting, so here it is. We've picked out an easy pattern to make and prepare you for more difficult challenges.  

Our stash buster evening/outdoor gathering is again on the

calendar in June.  It’s mostly social but it’s a place to show off a project from your stash and any finished items you’d like to share.
And drumroll please, we’ve got Summer Knitting Camp for Adults on the calendar in July.  Book now as this class sells out fast.  It is a must have for those of you who wish to advance your skills, learn tips and tricks, and have a few more tools in your toolbox.  If you have kids who want to learn to knit this summer, please contact us and we'll organize around your schedule and ours.
And one last note.  We’ll again be participating in the Cape & South of Boston Yarn Haul. It’s scheduled for Thursday September 16 through Sunday September 19 with 8 local area shops participating.  We’ll have tons of fun on our calendar for those days, including special instructional workshops and demonstrations, as well as pop up shops from indie dyers and local makers.  One special event we've already scheduled is the Indigo Dyeing workshop with Cathy Wilkerson of the Indigo Squirrel.
We hope this back to normal state rejuvenates you.  Just so you know, we’re a little giddy with excitement to see your entire face! 
Welcome June!
See you soon,
P.S.  New mask lifting for MA goes into effect Saturday, 5/29/2021. 

  • Ph: (781) 405-8245